Welcome I am so glad you are here
If you have any questions about how and why my approach to gentle sleep training works, then please get in touch I’d love to hear from you. I have been in your shoes and know how it feels to be exhausted. When you feel ready, I am here to help.
Personalised solutions to your little ones sleep struggles
A responsive & gentle approach that transforms sleep for the whole family
Whether your baby, toddler or child is waking multiple times a night, won’t nap, co sleeping or will only fall asleep whilst feeding. I am here to help.
Peaceful restorative sleep is beneficial for the whole family & with the right guidance & solutions this can be achieved in as little as 7-10 days.
Through unlocking amazing predictable sleep, I will help you reclaim your precious evenings, hands free time in the day, quality time with your partner & be able to enjoy life & be the parent you wish to be.
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Register for my FREE Sweet Dreams Masterclass - / -
My FREE Sweet Dreams Masterclass - Gently Guide Your Little One To Sleep Through The Night
Giving you a happy well-rested baby
More energy to enjoy day-to-day life
Quality time for you & your partner
Date / Time: Monday 20th January @9:30am
This masterclass shall be recorded & sent to everyone that is unable to attend the live session
I Understand How You Feel…
Its almost night time again & you are starting to feel anxious what the night ahead will bring or how long it will be before the first wake up. Every time they wake you try your best to resettle them but knowing it will only last for an hour or two before they need you again
Its now 3am & they won’t settle at all unless they are sleeping on you. The morning is creeping closer & you attempt to put them down to just get an hour or two’s sleep but for them to wake up as soon as their body touches the mattress
Your worrying as you have to be up for the day in an hour or two & panicking how you will function for the day ahead, not able to give your full potential at work or as a parent
You have tried everything, you feel defeated because nothing has worked. You have spent hours scrolling online, reading, watching videos, spoken to friends, googled all the questions & no one has the answers
I am here to reassure you there is a solution. I can tell you the exact reasons why your little one is struggling with sleep & show you all the solutions to have longer stretches of overnight sleep & predictable naps, so you have a
Rested & happy baby
Quality time for you & your partner
More energy & joy everyday